STAKEHOUSE Technical Information
Create a Pool:
Input :
Stake Duration [1 - 5555 Days]
Enrollment Period [1 - 369 Hours]
Creator Fee [0 - 1%]
Creator Fee is received in HEX when Stake matures
Stake Length
Mint period duration (Enrollment period)
Set Creator Fee (0% -> 1%) received in HEX when Stake matures
Create new token with ticker
Pool Creator pays a 3690 gwei fee to create pool
Enter a Pool:
Deposit HEX to pool
Pool Token is minted 1:1 with HEX deposited in pool
User can withdraw HEX prior to enrollment period ending
Deposits and Withdrawals cost a 3690 gwei fee
Start Stake:
Anybody can start the stake once enrollment period is over
Transfers pool enrollment fees to Buffet
Operator fee is incentive to start stake
Starting a stake is cheap. Anybody can start a stake even if operator fees are 0
End Stake:
Anybody can call end the stake once stake has matured
Claims Hedron to pool
Withdraws HEX to pool
Withdraw from Pool:
Pool_Token_Amount / Total_Pool_Tokens * End_Stake_Gas
to Stake_EnderPay
End_Stake_Gas / 20
to BuffetTransfer 80% of Hedron earned to User
Transfer 20% of Hedron to Buffet
Transfer Creator_Fee % to Creator if applicable
Transfer Hex to User after deducting Creator_Fee
Bleed Hedron:
Anybody can call Bleed
No bleed for first 7 days
Stake_Ender gets 50% of bled Hedron
50% of bled Hedron is sent to Buffet
The Hedron bleed is incentive to end stake as well as call bleed itself.
Bleed HEX:
Anybody can call Bleed
No bleed for first 7 days
Hex Bleeds @ 1% per day
Creator gets their fee of bled HEX (including principal)
Bled HEX after deducting Creator_Fees gets transferred to Buffet
Bleed accumulates if not called daily.
If user claims when bleed is not called, the protocol misses out on the bleed revenue.
Creator_Fees is incentive for the creator to call bleed.
Last updated