Bistro - Take A Tour
An overview of the marketplace
Last updated
An overview of the marketplace
Last updated
Custom Build - Bistro is a full custom build from the ground up unique Token Market Place. Below is an outline of all the unique features from Dashboard and filters, Multi or single asset orders including adjustable Expiry, Full or Partial trades, Bulk Buy, Redeem, Modify, Cancel, Stake $BEAN or Golden Bean NFT and Buy $BEAN
DashBoard - The Bistro dashboard is where you can see Active orders, Inactive orders, My Orders & My completed orders. You can see the amount of tokens that are on offer and what tokens are accepted for that trade! Thats right you can accept multiple tokens from the Bistro whitelist as part of your trade. It has filters to search by token or time left before a trade expires. You can create a trade right from the dashboard or from the "Maker" tab.
Active Orders - Displays all active orders in the system. Inactive Orders - displays completed and or cancelled orders. My Orders - Displays all of your active orders. My Completed Orders - Displays all of your completed orders.
Multi Asset - Users can choose to trade one token for a number of different tokens in a single trade! Accepted Payment tokens are whitelisted as the fee is taken from those tokens and sent to the Buffet for the MCR369 staker class. The "Fee" comes from the Maker's side!, no fee's for takers!
Adjustable Expiry - Users can set their expiry date and adjust it at anytime, maximum expiry is 12 months. Even if you adjust it after initial setup you cannot go past 12 months from when the order was initialed.
Modify Orders - Bistro allows you to modify any of your own orders providing there has been no trades against them! You cannot modify orders that have been partially filled due to ratios and the redemption mechanisms. P.S You can modify expiry at anytime.
Full/Partial Trades - Bistro allows users to take full or partial trades, which allows multiple users to NIBBLE on any offer. No trade is too big for anyone! The example below shows a MAKER trading HEX for either tDAI or PLS and with different quantities!
After hitting the buy button you will see the below screen, this is where you can choose how much of an asset that is on offer you would like. As you can see remaining capacity will update as you input your amount.
Once the amount is inputed you will see some information for this trade, the original MAKER was trading HEX for 304,000 units of tDAI or 95,500 unit of PLS. In the example below the TAKER has chosen 50% of the HEX using tDAI, therefore 250 units of HEX for 152,000 units of tDAI (50%)
Bulk Buy - A user can select a token they are seeking and the amount they want and Bistro will scan all orders, if there is enough available across multiple orders it will show you each individual available trade and you can simply toggle on/off on which trades you like. It will then perform a single transaction to secure your trade.
Redeem - This function allows the "Maker" to redeem parts of their trade that has been fulfilled, no waiting for an order to be fully completed. The redeem icon will light up if there are assets to be claimed.
Cancel Order - This allows the "Maker" to cancel their orders at anytime, whether it has been partially filled or not filled at all.
Stake $BEAN or Golden Bean NFT - Allows the "Maker" to reduce their fee's by 50%. Minimum stake length is 60 days! The amount of $BEAN tokens to be lock will be updated periodically to reflect the PLS value of a Golden Bean NFT +10%
Buy BEAN - You can use the link in the connect wallet screen to direct you to PulseX (Test Net) - At this stage you require a very small amount of $BEAN to "Make" and order, this is a anti SPAM mechanism.